Water Cycle 3-D Model Making Kit


Use our new interactive water cycle model to teach students about the movements of water from sea to land and back to sea!

Models are powerful tools for teaching science because they provide useful simplifications of structures and processes, helping to make the unseen seen and the complex simple.

Bring the water cycle to life with our exciting model! Your students build their model of a landscape and then use it to follow the flow of water through the water cycle. They can see how water is evaporated, condensed into clouds, precipitated onto the mountains and how it flows back to the sea through rivers and ground water. The rain clouds even move!

The Model Making Kit includes enough materials for students to assemble up to 5 paper models working cooperatively. The comprehensive Teacher Resource Guide included provides illustrated readings, activities, key vocabulary and an assessment, along with teaching opportunities for students to Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate their understanding of the concepts presented.

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